Sunday, December 26, 2010


I have no intention of jumping in with both feet on this project.  It will have to be a gradual change in lifestyle or I know that I will abandon it completely.  That said, my goals for myself are:

  1. Get up with or before my husband every morning.  Get dressed including hair and makeup.  Pack his lunch.
  2. Get up and go to bed at the same time every day.
  3. Develop a cleaning routine and schedule that will keep our home company-ready at all times.
  4. Plan meals, cook breakfast and supper every day, dine out only once per week.
  5. Eat supper at the table, TV off, as a family every night.
  6. Be more aware of our family's budget and stay within it - no exceptions.
  7. Bake most, if not all, of the bread products our family uses.
  8. Make most, if not all, of the personal and household cleaning products our family uses.
  9. Spend more 1-on-1 time with my daughter, focusing on the troublesome areas of her education.
  10. Exercise 5 days per week.
  11. Spend time every weekday working on my business.
  12. Spend time in The Word every day.
I have been, partially, inspired by the '50's Housewife Experiments done by Jen But Never Jenn, but I plan to make long-term changes to be a better wife, mother and homemaker rather than make a two week total change.  I do want to take a cue from her, though and get some real data.  I plan to track weight, blood pressure and mood.  To track mood, we'll use the Goldberg Depression Questionnaire (my current score is a 19 and my husband's is 23 - eek!).  All of this data can be found using the Physical & Psychological Progress link at the left.

I hope that, as you read this, you, too will be inspired to make changes for the better in your own life.

    Friday, December 24, 2010


    The new year always brings about a call for change in peoples' lives.  I am no exception.  My main goal for 2011 is to be more "domestic".  I enjoy sewing, knitting, crocheting, cooking, homeschooling my daughter...many of what could be called domestic arts - though I am really not a fan of cleaning.  The problem is that I have not utilized my talents in the right way.  I need a schedule and I need to stick to it.  I also need to be held accountable.  I have a wonderful husband, but he is never going to be the one to light the fire under my bottom to get me going.  It will have to be me.  Well, me and you, dear reader.  I will be accountable to you through this blog, sharing successes and failures.

    My guides on this journey are:
    1. The Bible - specifically Proverbs 31:10 - 31.  In the interest of full disclosure, you should know that I already write for a blog on that specific subject.  You can read my posts and those of three other Christian women at Far Above Rubies. This blog is to be more personal.  More about me and my family and the changes I am attempting to make in my own house.
    2. My Bread: The Revolutionary No-Work, No-Knead Method by Jim Lahey and Rick Flaste.  I want to make the vast majority of all bread products that my family consumes.  I have, thus far, found this book to be very useful and have tried the initial basic recipe twice with stunning results.
    3. How to Sew a Button: And Other Nifty Things Your Grandmother Knew by Erin Bried.  I absolutely LOVE this book!  All the little things that you'd really like to know how to do, but your working mom never taught you are here.
    4. The Everything Soapmaking Book: Recipes and Techniques for Creating Colorful and Fragrant Soaps (Everything: Sports and Hobbies) by Alicia Grosso.  I have already purchased lye, lard and essential oils, now I just need to get started.  The only thing holding me back has been the fact that lye soap - which I LOVE - has to cure for 6 weeks and I am such an instant gratification kind of girl.  But, that will have to change.
    5. Home Comforts: The Art and Science of Keeping House by Cheryl Mendelson.  I haven't even opened this book yet; it is being held for me at my local library, but just looking at it makes me want to be a better house keeper!
    So, I am sure there will be more as time goes on, but that's a start.  In one week, my Year of Domesticity will begin.  Join me, won't you?